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Capri is one of those places you always think ”one day I will visit it”. I must admit that I didn’t know exactly what to expect, even if I’ve recently spent some time on the islands nearby (Ischia and Procida). Thinking about Capri, the first images I had in my mind were luxury lifestyle, VIPS and rich people. I was completely wrong. Capri is much more than this. I must thank Silvana, from  for this unbelievable experience. With her I got the most of two days stay in the Island. We met directly at the Marina Grande, the main port where all the ferries from Napoli, Sorrento and Ischia arrive. Then we took a local bus to get to Anacapri, in the west part of the Island. I spent most of the bus ride at the window: landscapes were very impressive. Few formalities to check in our room for the night and we are walking through the streets of Anacapri. The first notable building we encontered is the Casa Rossa, the red house. It was built by an american general, Jhan

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