The most beautiful places visited

Lot of people during these months asked me which is the place I loved the most. It's practically impossible to say. I visited so many places, very different from each other, that I can't simply compare. So here is my list of the places I loved the most, each one of them for different reasons.

- Huayhuash (Perù) : my first big trek in this trip. Amazing landscapes during all the 8 days of the trek.

- Galapagos (Ecuador) : thousands of animals everywhere, should I say something more?

- Cotopaxi (Ecuador): very challenging night hike over the clouds

- Quilotoa (Ecuador) : the beauty of this volcanic lake left me without words

- Machu Picchu (Perù) : The Incas knew how to build their cities and knew how to choose the perfect spot on top of the mountains. Amazing landscapes.

- Isla del Sol (Bolivia) : this little island located at 4000 m asl on Lake Titicaca is simply beautiful.

- Salar de Uyuni and the lagunas (Bolivia): within few km from each other it's possible to see many unique places in the world: a salt flat, a red lake, a green lake, a white lake, a desert, a geyser

- Torotoro National Park (Bolivia) : one of the few places in the world where you can see huge dinosaurs footprints

- Cal'Orko : a wall unique in the world with its 5055 dinosaurs footprints

- Cocora park (Colombia) : hundreds of 60m high palm create a wonderful landscape

- Kuelap (Perù) : Inca's ruins, less famous but not less important than Machu Picchu

- Pacaya Samiria (Perù) : 5 days trip into the jungle alone with my guide and millions of animals and insects. The sounds of the Amazonas will be difficult to forget

- Huapo (Perù) : 2 months and a half living in this little village and working with the cacao, probably the best experience of my entire trip

- San Agustín (Colombia) : beautiful statues. The Easter island of Colombia.

- Paillon del Diablo (Ecuador) : the most powerful waterfall I've ever seen

- Catarata Gotca (Perù) : the tallest waterfall I've ever seen : 771m

- Tungurahua (Ecuador) : finally I could hear and see an active volcano

- Tayrona (Colombia) : one hour walking into the jungle between monkeys, sloths and numerous birds to get to a beautiful Caribbean beach

- Cayo Zapatilla (Panama) : typical Caribbean Islands with crystalline water

- Little Corn island (Nicaragua) : nice island with no cars where I took my Padi certification

- Roatan (Honduras) : wonderful reef, beautiful sea, a great place to dive

- Copan (Honduras) : amazing Maya city, rich in carved stelae and temples

- Semuc Champey (Guatemala) : system of 7 pools, the best place to relax

- Cueva Kan'Ba (Guatemala) : entering in this cave is one of the funniest thing I've done in this trip

- Tikal (Guatemala): in my opinion it's the most beautiful Maya ruins. Tens of howler monkeys that live on top of the trees made the atmosphere magic

- Tulum (Mexico) : the most beautiful beach, with white sand and blue - green water

- Isla Mujeres (Mexico): amazing little island, beautiful sea

- Laguna Bacalar (Mexico) : this multicoloured lake can be easily confused with the Caribbean Sea

- Holbox (Mexico): swimming with the biggest fish in the world, the whale shark, is an amazing experience

- Cenotes (Mexico) : they are unique in the world, located in the Yucatan region. Snorkeling in these cenotes is pleasant , but diving is an unforgettable experience

-Cartagena (Colombia): the most beautiful colonial city


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