Still in Tulum

Yes, I got sick... 
I spent the last days in my hostel, watching some documentaries about antique Rome (Alberto Angela, of course), reading, talking for hours with one of the women who works in my hostel, complaining I couldn't go to the beach, and resting. Nothing serious, I already feel better , it's just annoying considering that I'm in a wonderful place and I'm spending almost all day at the hostel. 
Yes, almost... despite everything, I went to Coba, another archaeological site near Tulum. The visit was worth just because of El Castillo, a big piramide that you can climb. Once on top, you have a great view of the forest. 

Couple of days ago I left my hostel for few hours : I run out of my contacts lenses, so I had to buy new ones. I went into the main street and I asked to every pharmacy. They just sell the cleaning solution for lenses, but not contact lenses. So I asked them where I could buy them. All 5 pharmacists from 5 different pharmacies gave me the same answer "I don't know". What?!? I don't think it's a very difficult question... I felt like going around Sicily and ask where the Boss of the Mafia lives... Omerty (conspiracy of silence) everywhere... I was almost giving up, when I saw the guy working at the tourist information. I know it's not his job but I still asked him and he suggested me to try at the Tulum biggest supermarket. And there finally I found my contact lenses...after couple of hours walking in the city. 
Travelling in South America and Central America, you notice that no one is using glasses (and apparently not even contact lenses), but I still didn't understand if these people don't have any miopy or if they just go on with their lives without seeing anything 3 meters from them... How is that possible? I will find out!!! 

Yesterday I went to Akumal. People said there was a beautiful beach, so how could I resist? But what I found was only a big group of tourists with no brain. I know, I'm very mean, but sometimes I have to. Every 30 minutes I saw group of tourists coming with a guide, life jacket and snorkel equipment. The guide put them in line like at school, explained them how to breath with the snorkel and how to walk with the fins. Then he told them they were going to see turtles and everyone looked so excited....they entered into the water and walked backward for 50m with the fins on their foot, till when they manage to swim and breath at the same time. They stayed into the water for about 45 minutes. Costs: 60$. WHY?!? Why paying 60$ for something you can do it for free? I went to the beach with my snorkel and I swam with turtles, spotted rays and some fishes for free. Ok, I hadn't a life vest, but do you really need it considering that water wasn't deeper than 1m 50cm??? Tourists.... 



  1. Hi! I am glad you managed to find contact lenses in Tulum. Did you have your prescription? What is the name of this supermarket if you remember. Thanks!

  2. Hi! I am glad you managed to find contact lenses in Tulum. Did you have your prescription? What is the name of this supermarket if you remember. Thanks!

  3. Hi aerina, you don't need a prescription and I don't remember the name of the supermarket but I remember it was on the north side of the city on the big road that goes to the sea. I'm sorry I can't give you more information, just ask where is the biggest supermarket in that area and you will find it. Good luck and enjoy your time in Tulum!


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