San José, Poas Volcano and Botos Lagoon

After 5 days in Puerto Viejo the time to leave arrived. I took a bus to San José, the capital of Costa Rica. As soon as I arrived, I already wanted to leave. I don't know why, but I didn't like the part of the city I saw from the bus. Besides this, just after getting down from the bus, some taxi driver scared us telling that we were in a dangerous area and that it was better to get away from there soon. 
I looked for a bus to get to the north, but the last one of the day already left, so I was stuck in this dangerous city. 
I'm in this city since couple of days now and it doesn't look so dangerous to me, but I'm always very careful. The hostel were I'm staying is also offering a free night after only 2 nights: this means that tourists in general don't spend here more than 1 night. That's strange, because the area has different things to offers: volcanos, lagoons, forests and coffee farms. 
So, even if at the beginning I didn't want to spend one minute in the city, at the end I decided to spend here 3 nights. 

San José 

Today I visited Poas Volcano, an active volcano. We were lucky enough to see the crater and steam coming out. Less than 30 minutes later, everything was covered by clouds and fog. Lot of tourists came and couldn't see anything. 
Few metres from this crater there is a beautiful green lagoon situated inside an inactive crater. 

Poas Volcano 

Botos Lagoon 

Tire Recycling Art 

After writing a post complaining about Israeli tourists , I must admit that there are also very nice Israelis , like the ones I met today at the volcano. They were a group of 20 Israelis travelling from Mexico to Costa Rica. Their age was above the average (70 - 84 years old). We talked for a while, they were so nice with me and before leaving they gave me a little present and their emails and they even invited me at their place when I will come back to Israel. Yes, Israelis can be very nice... 


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