Parco Cocora

I heard about Salento from some tourists and after one whole day in bus I finally got there. I took a bus to Neiva, then one to Ibague, another one to Armenia and I arrived just in time to catch the last bus to Salento. The town is very colorful and music can be heard from every spot. The main square is full of pubs/restaurants and little shop of Comida rapida (local fast food)  and souvenirs. The whole town is surrounded by green hills and coffee plantation. I travelled till here to visit Parco Cocora. This was much more beautiful than my expectations. In the park there is a circular path that takes about 6 hours to complete it (including also pictures time). The trail leads first to Acaime, where you can have a traditional drink (agua panela with queso, hot water with sugar and cheese) and observe colibrì (hummer birds) . I could just stay there for hours to look at them. They are so beautiful with their different colours and their particular way to fly. Then we hiked to Montana, across a forest of old tall trees. But the most surprising view was on our way down the mountain : hundreds or even thousands of tall palms decorated the landscape. This type of palm can reach 60 metres of height and they are typical of this area. 
The long trip to get here was completely worth... 


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