Eye infection

Yesterday evening was my last one in the Galapagos. I decided to spend the evening at the Bongo-Panga pub with a friend (called also bunga bunga pub by all the people that couldn't remember the name) . At the beginning everything was normal, then my right eye started tearing. In less than one hour was quite difficult to keep my eye open. I thought this was caused by smoke or by contact lenses, so I didn't give it too much importance. During the night things got worse and my eye hurt me so much that I couldn't sleep all night. In my backpack I had some eye drops, so during the night I took out everything from my backpack (it was ready for the flight) to find them (of course I did everything with closed eyes and no light). But eye drops didn't help that much. In the morning, I had to put everything in my backpack again , with lot of difficulties given the situation. As soon as I went out from my room, the morning light didn't allow me to open my eyes at all. I manage to arrive to the pharmacy next to my hostel (I couldn't believe it was open, here in general nothing open before 9am) and buy an antibiotic. The pharmacist told me that lot of people gets eyes infection in the Galapagos.
Luckily a friend of mine had to take a flight at same time with another airplane company, so we went together to the airport. To get to the airport, you need to take a taxi, a bus, a ferry and then another bus. I just followed my friend with my eyes closed. Trying to open them caused me pain. This guy practically took me till my airplane. If it wasn't for him I don't know how I could do.
Fortunately when I got to Quito I started feeling better. My eye still hurt, but at least I could open it.
For sure this was of my worst trip!


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