Cal Orck'o

Dinosaurs really existed, now I have the proofs... 
Today I saw with my own eyes 5055 dinosaur's tracks of at least 8 different species at Cal Orck'o, 5 km from Sucre. There are 462 individual walks and one continuous track (581m) of a theropod which represents a world record. This place is located in a very ugly industrial area and was discovered only 19 years ago, during some excavation. All the tracks can be seen on a limestone wall with 72° inclination, 1500m long and 110m high, and they are the result of a solidification process and tectonic movement that brought the tracks to be on a almost vertical wall. 
Before going there, I read on TripAdvisor some bad reviews about the cretaceous park, described as a children's park. One part of the park was built for children, with the reconstruction of many dinosaurs at their original size. But when you get in front of this wall and you imagine that 68 millions years ago some dinosaurs walked there, you are simply left without words. Suddenly dinosaurs didn't exist only in the movie Jurassic park, but they walked there, just in front of me, millions of years ago. 
Between all the places I visited till now, this is one of the most impressive. After this, I decided to visit another park where it's possible to see other dinosaurs tracks: Torotoro national park. Also this park is near Sucre, but to get there you need to take one bus and a collettivo, for a total of at least 15 hours trip, but I'm sure it will be worth it. 


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