Yucca pizza and much more

04/10/2013 Ten days passed since I arrived in Huapo, a little village in San Martin region. I got here without knowing exactly where I was going and what I was expected to do. So now here I am, in one of the most beautiful part of Perù, the cloud forest. The cultivated land is only 10 minutes from the place we are staying and to get there we need to walk into the forest, a very nice walk and a good daily exercise. In general we work few hours in the morning, then we are free to make a hike in the area, to have a siesta in the afternoon or whatever we want. I don't know how long I'll stay here, but I love this place. It's one of the most peaceful place I've ever been. Working here for few hours a day doesn't bother me at all. The place is so beautiful that I feel very lucky to be able to stay here for a while. Everyday we do something different. Sometimes we worked on the cacao plantation, sometimes at home (now I know how to build a mosquitoes net for the windows and a soil floor). But most important I learned new recipes. I must admit that in these days I'm really enjoying the food. My mum is afraid I'm not eating good food, but the truth is that I'm eating very tasty and healty food, organic vegetables and fruits taken directly from the plant. I also must admit that here I ate the most tasty pizza I've eaten in the last years: yucca pizza. For those who don't know, yucca is a root and can be cook in many different ways : fried, boiled, in a soup, or like a base for the pizza. We boiled the yucca, then we smashed it and we modelled it like a pizza dough. Then we added tomatoes, olives, mushrooms and cheese and we cooked it on the fire (no oven here) . One of the best thing I ate in Perù! Tomorrow is Saturday, so we'll go back to the city, and maybe we will visit some new places. This is everything for today, dinner is almost ready : french crepes!


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