Football match

6/10/2013 Today is Sunday and, as in many other countries in the world, one of the biggest event in the village is the football championship. I'm not talking about national or international matches: here almost no one has TV, so people can't follow the sport on TV like in Europe. Many villages has his own team and all of them play in the championship of this region. Huapo, the village where I'm living right now, is the fourth one in the championship. Today our team was playing at home, so we went to watch the match. Can you believe it? I come from Italy and this is the first time I see a football match? All the village was there: man, women and children. I must admit that I didn't really watch the game. Next to me there were 2 children that didn't stop asking questions and wanted to learn English. So I spent almost one hour and a half teaching them few words and sentences (trying to minimise my Italian accent). They also asked me to go to teach at their school, but I still don't know for how long I'll stay here, so I'll have to think about it...


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