La caverna de Quiocta

The cavern of Quiocta was discovered only 10 years ago and it's still unknown by most of the tourists. It's long more than 500m, and inside there are many stalagmites and stalactites. The cave was used in the past as a ritual place, so many skulls were found inside. As beauty I can't really compare to some caves I visited in the south of Italy, but I must admit that this one was much more fun. Caves in Europe are very well illuminated and in general the presence of artificial bridges allows tourists to walk easily inside the cave. In Perù things are quite different: no light, no artificial passages, lot of mud mixed to bats excrement... And yes, I fell down in this mixture... Walking was very difficult, the boots got easily stuck into the mud and when you tried to lift your leg and the leg didn't move, you just lost balance. Despite this, or maybe because of this, we just had lot of fun... 

Their excrements


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